Thursday, March 12, 2009

Almost 32 weeks now

Well blog readers, it's almost here. On Sunday I will be 32 weeks pregnant. I can't believe how fast it has gone by. I've been through all of the normal stages of an "Arlene" pregnancy. It starts out kind of cute and people make comments like "you look so cute" and "You don't even look pregnant". Then, I begin to get comfortable and the comments change to "you're starting to show" and "it's really all in your belly". Now, I'm in the stage where my skin decides to go through puberty again and I can literally feel my stomache growing every minute and the comments have quickly changed to "Wow you look like you're ready to bust!" and "You have how much longer to go?" I can't really complain this pregnancy though. Things have gone really well so far and I feel great except for some small issues that I won't begin to discuss in my blog. Lilly is incredibly active in the belly. Occasionally, she decides to use my stomache as her own little punching bag which can be uncomfortable, but at least I know she will be able to hold her own. It may be payback for all the "playful" punching I did in my younger day.


Kim said...

....oh the younger day.

Unknown said...

Oh, the Flying Bow... If she comes out doing that, watch out world!