I know I haven't updated my blog in a while, but I thought I would take the time to inform you guys of my progress as well as post some pics since I "don't post enough pictures." Anyway, things are going well. I had such a great time at the shower. Thanks to all who were able to make it. If you were there, you know that Cooper coined a new term. Cupcakes will now and forevermore be called "party cakes." Ingrid commented that she had never seen a child eat so many party cakes and egg rolls ever. I informed her that for years Asians have been able to put some food down. For instance, the winner of the hot dog eatting contest for years has been an Asian. Asians gots skillz. Even more amazing than that is my mother. Now there is a woman who can put some food away. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the pics. Please pay special attention to Cooper's attempt at growing a mustache just like his Uncle Rynee.
Nice stache Coop-man!!
He is so cute! I'm so excited for you. We need to talk so I can give you a few pointers that I've found with this whole "2 kid" thing... It's an experience, that's all I'll say...haha.
Pahtee Cakes!! I love you Cooper!!
hes so precious, and you look lovely with child dah-ling
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